Designer Handbag Authentication
Designer Handbag Authentication for Your Safety
Designer Handbag sales are becoming more and more popular which means fake bags are also on the rise. Rocky’s Pawn Shop is now offering designer handbag authentication as a means to protect you when purchasing and selling. Our customers have trusted us for the past 20 years to ensure that they get quality products.

How It Works
We have a tool that sends microimages of the bags to a company and they send you an authentication certificate if the item looks real to them. They back the certificates 100%, meaning if they are wrong, they will pay you for the item. The scan time is four to six minutes long and you hear back from them with the certificate within 60 seconds to 60 minutes, depending on the brand.
This is great if you are wondering whether a bag you purchased is real. This tool is also great if you are trying to sell your real items either with us or online. You need to get a certificate to sell along with the purse, making it more likely to be purchased. We will also print you the authentication certificate once you have decided to use our services.
Brands Include:
We also utilize these brands when purchasing or for when you need to use them as collateral for a quick loan.
- Balenciaga
- Bottega Veneta
- Burberry
- Coach
- Celine
- Chanel
- Chloe
- Dior
- Fendi
- Goyard
- Gucci
- Hermes
- Louis Vuitton
- Prada
- Saint Laurent
Come in today and let us show you why our customers have come to Rocky’s Pawn Shop for 20 years.