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Collateral Loan Services from Rocky’s Pawn Shop

Financial problems can pop-up unexpectedly for anyone. Rocky’s Pawn Shop is here to help you and your family during these times with quick and easy collateral loan services. Rocky’s Pawn Shop provides a low-fee and no-hassle way to get a quick loan – with collateral owned.

We are the place to come to if you have jewelry, electronics, tools or other items of value around the home to sell. These products can also be used as security for a short-term loan to help get you and your family through surprise financial issues.

vintage diamond ring in jewelry box

No Credit? No Problem!

Do you have bad credit? Has the bank said no to your request for a loan? Come to Rocky’s Pawn Shop where we will always say yes! We can help you with unexpected financial issues by loaning you the money needed to help cover those expenses as often as you need. Credit checks are not required for borrowing money and that’s why we decided we would never run one for you. Our practices are also confidential. Your information will never be released, no matter the circumstances. As well, our loans will never show up on your credit report. Here are other benefits of choosing Rocky’s Pawn Shop for your loan needs:

  • The whole process can take as little as 5 minutes
  • We underwrite the collateral, not the borrower
  • The use of the funds has no bearing on the loan
  • You only need to provide an I.D.
  • Cash is available in stores instantly

Don’t waste time waiting around for the other guys just to have them tell you your credit isn’t good enough. Visit Rocky’s Pawn Shop today and let us help you and your family get the money you need the same day!

Stop in Today to Get a Consultation on Your Items to Sell or Pawn.